Have you ever noticed that you’re sometimes attracted to people that have certain things in common? Or that the people who are interested in you share some of the same qualities? Maybe you’re always dating guys who love indie rock. Or, you’ve noticed that the last three girls you went out with all loved romantic comedies. Everyone has preferences and attractions that we’re not always aware of.
But now you can be!
Even if you haven’t noticed these things about your dating life, Zoosk has. And now, thanks to our newest feature Dating Insights, you can see some of the trends in your dating activity and learn how it helps us introduce you to people.
Sounds great right? So what exactly is Dating Insights? Well, it’s an in-depth look at your dating activity that gives you an overview of the people who are attracted and interested in you as well as the people you’re attracted and interested in. There’s also a snapshot of your Dating Style that lets you see your activity level and provides tips on how you can be more successful.
Dating Insights covers three main aspects of your online dating activity:
Who Likes You
Find out what the people who like you have in common. You’ll be shown demographic information such as age, body type, education, ethnicity, religion, and smoking habits as well as more detailed information such as what music people like or if the people interested in you are usually well-read.
Who You Like
Next, you’ll get a snapshot of your dating preferences based on who you’ve shown interest in so far. Your preferences will include the same information as the Who Likes You snapshot and will tell you things like, “You put more importance on a man’s level of education than most,” or “Comedy is the movie genre liked most by the men you’re interested in.”
Your Dating Style
The final part of Dating Insights shows you your activity level and gives tips on how you can use Dating Insights to become a more successful online dater.
Dating Insights is Zoosk’s newest effort to provide you with tools and information that helps you meet the right person. And also, it’s a fun way to learn a little bit more about yourself and some of the trends in your dating activity. Peruse your Dating Insights for personalized input that will help you experience a better, more fulfilling love life.
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