Congrats to David & Janna on their Zoosk success story!

Congratulations to David and Janna for finding each other on Zoosk! David’s real-life missed connection turned into a chance encounter with Janna on Zoosk – and, that was that, love at second sight! David writes to tell us:

The love of my life came to me right before I turned 40. It was July 3rd 2010. I was on my 2nd or 3rd night working at a bar as the Karaoke Host and there she was sitting right across from me. Her eyes were so beautiful, I was lost in them. I had to go say hi. Of course I didn’t have a plan on what to say after that so I threw out the usual “Are you gonna sing tonight”? She said no and I went back to work figuring on never seeing her again. Then just a couple of days later she saw me on Zoosk and said hi. That was the first day of the rest of my life. We immediately made a date. When I met her at the restaurant I introduced myself and looked into those amazing eyes and was once again lost. So much so that I didn’t catch her real name. The whole date I was so frustrated. Finally after the second date I got her name without having to admit I didn’t hear it. We are madly in love and as happy as two people can be. If it wasn’t for Zoosk I might never have found her. Thank you so much!! ~David

Aww, we wish these two many happy returns. Reader, do you have a Zoosk romance you’d like to share with us? If so, send it to success [at] zoosk [dot] com and we’ll happily share your story for you! For more success stories, check out Zoosk’s success story archives. If you like what you see, fan us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and make sure you check out our romantic videos on ZooskTV!
