Congratulations to Kristen and Sammy from Denver, Colorado!


Love is a gift worth cherishing. No one knows this better than Kristen and Sammy.

Kristen writes:

“The love that Sammy and I found is a gift like nothing either of us have ever experienced! We both felt an indescribable connection instantly. Neither of us have ever had more in common in terms of personality, interests, chemistry, relationship goals, spiritual beliefs, or life dreams. We share the same political views, fight for the same causes, volunteer for the same types of organizations, and are both dog lovers. We are madly in love and fall deeper in love every day. We feel blessed every single day to have found each other. Thank you, Zoosk.”

Congratulations! We wish you all the love in the world. 🙂


Are you looking to find the love of your life? If so, sign up here. If you’ve already met that special person using Zoosk and want to share your story, please share the details here.

