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Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gifts: Go Big Without Going Broke

If you just started dating, it’s often the best idea to avoid overdoing it on Valentine’s Day. Going to get – or cooking – a somewhat nice dinner is more than enough commemoration as your relationship picks up momentum.

However, for longer-running relationships, Valentine’s Day is the best chance you get to tell your partner exactly how much you care. So that’s why it’s never too early to start planning and saving for that amazing gift.

The perfect gift is a romantic getaway to a place that means something special to you both. It’s hard to go wrong with pretty much any trip destination. Just sharing the experience of being in a new and exciting place and getting away from your regular routine will be enough to hit all the right notes.

Trips, however, are the jewel-studded Rolls Royces of gifts. You’ll easily wind up throwing hundred dollar bills at a steady stream of restaurants and tourist traps while traveling – not to mention the hotel, gas and/or flights. And if you haven’t planned one yet, you’ll need to get clever!

So how do you stoke all those adoring feelings without any of the credit card debt? By being the world’s best listener!

Remember them mentioning something in passing? How they’ve always wanted to try pottery or play guitar? A class or ‘experience’ is a surprisingly affordable way to open your partner’s world to something entirely new. They learn, grow and fulfill their lifelong dream – all thanks to you!

Still want to tone it down a little? Consider making your gift! Zoosk’s Valentine’s Day survey proves it’s a winning idea. It’s a fact that an item that cost you almost nothing but time and thought to create will get all the same brownie points with much less research and expense.

Think about printing out and scrap-booking all your photos together or, if you have a special skill, like knitting, DJing or drawing – now’s the time to milk it for all it’s worth. If not – a special dinner, mixtape or even a poem are things anyone can do and are sure to delight.

Think we left something out? Share YOUR gifts ideas in our comments section!

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