It’s National Singles Week (Sept. 16–21, 2013), but that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. The wingman, the successful dater’s essential sidekick, is more important than ever., a top online dating service, recently conducted a survey among more than 2,300 singles to determine their thoughts on using a wingman or wingwoman to navigate the dating world. The results show how popular a wingman really is, what makes a good one and what their role is during a night out on the town.
When it’s time to wade into the dating pool, having a top-flight wingman can increase your chances of success and make the whole experience more fun. According to the survey, 69% of singles have played the wingman role for a friend. But just being a good buddy doesn’t make you a quality wingman. It takes nuance, skill and confidence. How exactly does the wingman–or wingwoman–get the job done? Below is Zoosk’s carefully culled data to help out singles, and the wingmen at their sides.
A good wingman knows the other team’s playbook.
Think your good looks make you too intimidating to be a wingman? Think again.
A Wingman doesn’t steal the glory.
So, what does a good wingman do?
Still have questions? Learn from Hollywood’s legends:
Thomas Edwards, founder of The Professional Wingman and a dating coach who has been called “the real-life Hitch,” says that many of Zoosk’s survey findings mirror what he observes on the dating scene.
“As a wingman, you follow your friend’s lead, but that doesn’t mean you have to ‘take one for the team,” said Edwards. “When you hit the dating scene with a wingman, it’s a chance for both of you to have a great time.”
Here are some other tips from The Professional Wingman:
“When all is said and done, a quality wingman is there to help – especially if the evening doesn’t go as planned,” continued Edwards. “Almost half of singles surveyed say the best thing about having a wingman is that they will have a good time no matter what happens!”
Zoosk conducted the survey online in August 2013. The survey garnered 2,323 responses from singles in the U.S. who are members of the Zoosk community.
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