
  • Congratulations to Timothy and Shawna from Canada!

    August 16, 2019

    You know it’s love when your feelings don’t leave even if the person does. Timothy and Shawna are inseparable in love. He writes: “Shawna and I messaged each other on Zoosk. We were both out of town so we agreed to call and message each other directly. Our first date was in May 2018 and we haven’t been …Read More

  • Congratulations from Melanie and Matt from Texas!

    August 9, 2019

    It’s the little memories that will last a lifetime. Melanie and Matt are having fun making sweet little memories. She writes: “Matt and I matched on Zoosk in March 2018. I had been on several first dates from online matches that amounted to nothing more than a first date. I had decided ahead of time that Matt …Read More

  • Congratulations from Nickie and Skyy from North Carolina!

    August 2, 2019

    A good life is when you smile often, laugh a lot, and realize how blessed you are for what you have. Nickie’s life feels good now that she has Skyy. She writes: “I had been using online dating for the last 15 years. Zoosk was my last effort to try to meet someone before throwing in …Read More

  • Congratulations to Estela and Spencer from California!

    July 26, 2019

    A bad love experience is no reason to fear a new love experience. Estela made sure of this. She writes: “It only took two unsuccessful dates in order for me to meet my future husband. I was new to Zoosk and didn’t have a lot of experience with online dating. The automatic messages that Zoosk …Read More

  • Congratulations to Melissa and Roy from Illinois!

    July 19, 2019

    Some people are like fireworks, they come and light up your world beautifully. Roy lit up Melissa’s world. She writes: “I knew from the first few messages that Roy was a very special man. We agreed to meet at a restaurant halfway between our two homes, and sparks flew from the moment we sat down. The …Read More

  • Congratulations to Amy and Randy from New Jersey!

    July 12, 2019

    Find someone who loves you to the moon and back. Amy did. She writes: “Randy and I talked for hours on Zoosk, and when I finally met him two weeks later, I was already falling for him. We just clicked right away, you know? We have been inseparable since that first date. We met each other’s …Read More

  • Congratulations to Newlyweds Heather and Brian from Oregon!

    July 5, 2019

    Date someone who you can sit down and enjoy a beer with. Heather and Brian enjoy conversing over their favorite beer. She writes: “I stumbled upon Zoosk when I decided I was ready to get back out there. After a couple weeks and a couple not so great dates, I came across a message from …Read More

  • Congratulations to Nicole and Ahmed from California!

    June 28, 2019

    Some people are worth melting for. For Nicole, that person was Ahmed. She writes: “Ahmed sent me a message on Zoosk and and we hit it off instantly. We met for coffee the following week. When I first saw his smile, my heart melted and it felt like magic. By the end of the date, we both knew …Read More

  • Congratulations to Naomi and Michael from South Carolina!

    June 21, 2019

    Be fearless in your quest for love. Naomi was wooed by Michael’s bold and confident dating approach. She writes: “Although our Zoosk profiles said we lived 222 miles apart, Michael sent me a message boldly introducing himself. He said, ‘Sorry not sorry for being so bold, but you’ve been on my mind ever since I first saw you! …Read More

  • Congratulations to Charles and Rachael from Great Britain!

    June 14, 2019

    Some souls just understand each other upon meeting. This was the case for Charles and Rachael. He writes: “Rachael and I were each other’s SmartPick on Zoosk. We chatted for about three months before meeting in-person (since we live 128 miles apart). There was instant chemistry when we met! We have been dating ever since then and …Read More
