Danish Zoosk Success Story from Ann and Michael

We love getting success stories from countries outside of the United States. After all, Zoosk’s online dating service is supported in 25 languages and has members in more than 70 countries! Today’s success story comes to us all the way from Denmark. Ann wrote us to share:

Jeg og Michael fik kontakt til hinanden gennem Zoosk og mødtes her til Valentines. Vi er endelig et par, og har også været på ferie sammen i mit hjemland Færøerne. Vi ser frem til mange gode og spændende dage sammen. 

Translation: Michael and I got in touch with each other through Zoosk and met here for Valentines. We are finally a couple, and have also been on holiday in my homeland Faroe Islands. We look forward to many exciting days together.

Ann and Michael from Denmark

Congrats Ann and Michael! We wish you all the best!

Check out more Zoosk success stories or submit your own! To submit, email your photo and story to success [at] zoosk [dot] com. By submitting your success story and image, you agree that your submission is governed by the Zoosk Success Story Terms, as well as Zoosk’s Terms of Use Agreement. Happy Zoosking!
