
  • Congratulations to Kevin and Bailey from South Carolina!

    April 22, 2020

    Kevin isn’t sure whether he or Bailey sent the other a like first, but one thing is for sure and that’s that they were made for each other, as they recently got engaged! He writes: “Well it started when she sent me a like or I sent her one, we aren’t sure about that part …Read More

  • Congratulations to Kristy and Denise from Wisconsin!

    April 16, 2020

    Kristy tried to play it cool but could only wait a few seconds to smile back to Denise on Zoosk, and the rest is history! She writes: “Denise smiled at me first but I was already eyeing her! I tried to play it cool and waited a couple seconds and smiled back. We started chatting …Read More

  • Congratulations to Paul and Jane from the United Kingdom!

    April 2, 2020

    Paul wasn’t expecting to meet someone as great as Jane online, but luckily for him he did just that! He writes: “A few chats first and due to being very busy the first meeting was very odd. I had my boy with me all week so we met in a softplay centre so we could …Read More

  • Congratulations to Michaela and Dan from Colorado!

    March 30, 2020

    Michaela had just about given up on love when she connected with Dan on Zoosk. Fast forward a couple years and they are now married with a baby on the way! She writes: “Hi everyone!! I really wanted to share our love story, I met Danny on Zoosk just when I had almost given up …Read More

  • Congratulations to Nicole and Jason from Michigan!

    March 27, 2020

    Nicole and Jason were right under each other’s noses without even knowing it! They finally connected on Zoosk and the rest is history. She writes: “Jason first sent me a message that was so impressive. We live about 10 minutes away. We actually worked with each other and have so many friends in common and …Read More

  • Congratulations to Rebecca and Michael from the United Kingdom!

    March 10, 2020

    We were able to make Rebecca’s dreams come true by connecting her with Michael; the man she came to realise she couldn’t live without! She writes: “Well where do I start? We still argue to this day who made the first move and started the conversation, Mike insists it was him whereas I seem to …Read More

  • Congratulations to Ernest and Allyson from Pennsylvania!

    February 28, 2020

    Ernest and Allyson went from chatting on Zoosk to getting married within one year. As Ernest explains, it felt as if they had been together for years. He writes: “We started chatting in Jan 2018. We had similar backgrounds. I was divorced, and she was in the midst of a divorce. It’s as if we …Read More

  • Congratulations to Ilyssa and Chris from California!

    February 26, 2020

    It’s a tale of East Coast meets West Coast for these lovely Zoosk newlyweds! Ilyssa shared how she and new hubby Chris bonded, including discovering each other’s favorite foods! (Is there any better way to bond!?) She writes: “How did a New York girl and a California boy end up together? Well, it all started …Read More

  • Congratulations to Rene and Martin from New York!

    February 19, 2020

    Another Zoosk marriage! 🙂 Rene finally found her missing half in Martin, after year upon year of unsuccessful dating. She shared their story with us. She writes: “Martin and I met after connecting on Zoosk. Prior to our actual meet-up, we had a phone conversation that lasted 13.5 hours, and we still did not want to get …Read More

  • Congratulations to Andrea and John from Washington!

    February 18, 2020

    Andrea and John are now not only engaged but are also expecting their first child together – simply amazing! Andrea shared their story with us. She writes: “John messaged me on Zoosk and we met up about one week later at a brewery/restaurant in Tacoma a little over 2 years ago. We instantly connected and never …Read More
